

Thank you for your interest in Balham Counselling Service. We offer counselling placements on a voluntary basis. Our volunteers are an essential part of our team and we couldn’t provide our counselling service without the valuable contribution from our volunteer counsellors.

 As of December 2021, we returned to face-to-face counselling for all new counsellors and clients.

What we expect from Volunteer Counsellors:

  • Ability to self-reflect, be consistent, manage boundaries and be open to learning

  • Commitment for 2 years to the service

  • Volunteer counsellors need to be in the second year of their training

  • Able to see 3 clients weekly

  • Participate in group supervision fortnightly - please note we ask £15 per session for supervision, two sessions per month.

  • Have an awareness of difference and diversity in the therapeutic space and an openness to working in supervision with counsellors trained in different methodologies

  • Be on a relevant counselling/ psychotherapy course and/or be working towards accreditation

What we offer to Volunteer Counsellors:

  • Therapeutic work with adult clients, 18 years and above for 1 year per client

  • Volunteer counsellors receive a full induction and fortnightly supervision

  • Comfortable rooms in which to work in a secure environment

  • Receive administrative support regarding paperwork, allocation of clients and completing DBS check

  • Unique placement that is community-based and offering support to local and London wide residents

  • The process will involve sending through an introductory email and a C.V. This will then be followed by an interview with the counselling Manager

  • Once references and DBS have been obtained (this can take a further 3-4 weeks in some cases) then you will have an induction to the service and be allocated 3 clients

For more information please visit 

Or email the counselling administrator at


Borough parking bays are available outside.

Restricted hours Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm

 Free parking is available for 2 hours at local Sainsbury's (2 min walk)

Local Transport Options
Bus: 315

Train: Balham

Tube: Northern Line